Construction Contracting is an inherently high-risk business. How a firm works to lower their risk is directly related to their overall success.
Our experience has taken us through myriads of situations and outcomes in construction. We have seen the "Good", the "Bad", and the "Ugly". Needless to say, working within two of these outcomes causes pain, grief, and financial loss. Operating within the desired third outcome leads to success, joy, and good financial rewards.
The objective then clearly is to achieve "Good" outcomes, consistently. Operating in this PRIME mode assures cohesiveness, accountability, predictability, and ultimately success. Risk is mitigated throughout the process.
To successfully operate in a PRIME manner requires a commitment to being not just good, but great. By initiating proven methodologies for business development and operations, a PRIME level of operation can be reached. In essence, PRIME is a controlled, informed, real-time approach to operational excellence.
Utilizing an analytical and information driven approach to Business Development, we develop a focused, clear, defined, and calculated strategy that is monitored and tracked in real-time. This is accomplished by combining analytics and information with relational and intuitional knowledge. We assist our clients in developing a vision, a pathway, and a process that enables them to operate efficiently and effectively, at a PRIME level, to reach success.
Operations is the most risk-inherent portion of the business. For this reason, operating at a PRIME level (throughout the organization) is critical in mitigating risk and achieving successful results. Having the necessary internal processes in place and functioning at the PRIME level is imperative for consistency, predictability, sustainability, and profitability.
At Peritus, we draw on our unique background and experience and work with our clients to develop and implement methodologies proven to facilitate performing at a PRIME level.